Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Swimming with the dolphins

I am here in the Bay of Islands, North Island in New Zealand. We took a full day cruise called The Cream Trip. It's the best trip to get a overall history and taster of the islands here.

Everything here is a feast to the eyes, green lush grass, rolling hills, even the sheep here looks happy. The boat took us from one island to the other, and it is still delivering mail to several of the island over the last century, even with the existence of roads now.

The most amazing thing on the trip is swimming with the dolphins, the water was cold and choppy, it always is with cloudy weather but I cant miss the chance. So I paid $30, and jumped into this big net with fellow dolphin swimmers and the boat went chasing for the dolphins. It was easy to find them, and there were at least 6 of them easy to spot from the boat. When the crew asked us to jump in and shouted "Quick, go after them." It was like a mad rush, the humans keep swimming into each other. Well they were the ones who asked us to look into the water with our snorkels. How are we to spot the dolphins looking down into dark blue sea? And the open ocean and the thought of getting the waves sweeping me away had me hyperventilating. Alas, the dolphins were only metres away but nearly close enough to touch and swim next too. But they were beautiful creatures, greyish black smooth shiny skin and there was a 3 month old baby too. Baby dolphins do not leave their mother until 3 years old coz they are mammals. I will post my photos or video later. Alex got me gasping for breath on the human net as the boat went chasing for the dolphins. Drank lots of sea water but all well worth it.

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