I am missing home so terribly. The minute I kissed my parents and siblings good-bye, a little piece of me goes missing. A void that I find it hard to replace. None of my usual favourite things - magazines, shoes, books, even my husband or Koe (my dog) can help me. I can only reassure myself that I will get over it after a while, when I start to get back into the groove of my Melbourne life. And yet, I dont really want it to go away.
Mama, papa, Wai Yee, Baby Jayden, Teoh, Su Fen, Meng kit, Emily & Lai Heang - I miss all of you so bad. I love you and am thinking of you.
My life is always with you xxxooo
I miss u too. I cant believe u miss my maid too. hahaha..
Haha, she is a cheeky girl and plays a part in keeping everyone entertained just talking about her and watching her antics.
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