Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Starting the cycle

It's my Day 2 of the Synarel nasal spray, although the fluid taste revolting at the back of my throat, I am getting used to it. I used the nasal spray twice a day, about 12 hours apart alternating between left and right nostril. One press on the spray, remove the spray from the nostril and sniff so the spray mist gets absorbed into the thin blood capillaries on the lining of the nose. It's not that difficult. Just not easy getting rid of the taste - tried drinking water, soup, having toast & jam, only strong coffee works but I am trying to eliminate coffee altogether from my diet.

This evening, I started with the Follicle Stimulation Hormone on an injection pen. The brand I am using is Puregon. It's not a walk in the park. It's painful and I took a little time to get over the fear of injecting a long needle into my flesh. The pain increases as I push the fluid into my body. Thankfully mine is a boost cycle which means a short cycle, next Monday on Labour Day I will go in for my early ultrasound and blood test to see if the follicles are growing well. If they are growing well, I may need a few more injections and it's done.

I asked myself over and over again how I am feeling through this experience. Work has been so busy and absorbing, I hardly had time to think about it much. I tried to read every literature Monash IVF provided me, unfortunately it will always list the potential risks to indemnify themselves from uninformed consent. What they need to do is balance these literature with success stories, stories of couples who made it and what they went through to get there. My patient coordinator Sharon tells me Dr Lynn has a 45-50% conceive chance. I am trying to be optimistic but it doesnt mean much to me. There is still a chance I could be one of the two who wont conceive.

So I just concentrate on the facts which is my usual style, understanding the treatments I am getting, the processes they are recommending and the implication of using the treatment. We also found out we didnt really had a choice, we had to use Assisted Reproductive Technologies otherwise we will be childless, unless it's a miracle baby. I do think every child is a miracle baby these days.

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