At the same time, the worldwide news on Yahoo7 reported the death of Daul Kim, supermodel found hanged in an apartment in Paris. I started reading her blog titled "I like to fork myself".
Often you hear about the loneliness of being a model and some of them turning to drugs or perhaps chain smokers. Daul leads her life as a supermodel, she was 15 when she left school and was home schooled. She had no friends and left her family to travel & model at the age of 17. And she had her creative outlets - she paints and films. Her work slightly on the dark side but nevertheless has a drawing quality. But still it hasnt taken the loneliness, despair, depression was all too clear in her blog entries right from the very start.
Could she have been saved? All of us have struggles in life just like Daul's I realise but how does some of us make one choice over the other - to change or to give up life. Was there a tipping point? Does having faith means anything at that point? One thing I never could understand is when people says this "The great ones are always taken early". What does it mean by the way? Inadvertently it means these great people are smarter than to stick around earth and live through the average mortality? It's ludicrous.
Recently Uncle Miranda passed on too. He is my late fiance father. In a way I was ok that I didnt get to see him on his death bed. That way my memories of him will always remain about the times we spent together - the emotional moments consoling each other, the advice he gave me about how much my father was hurting watching me hurt so badly mourning, all the jokes he used to come up with and the humility that comes when he is talking about God. I will look for his letters and treasure them forever...
This is my prayer for Uncle Emmanuel Miranda:
Hold this thought close to your heart,
I am still with you, I do not sleep
I am the light breeze that touches your face in the morning's hush
I am the first burst of sunshine which peaks at sunrise
When you return home, I am the peaceful silence that calms the night
I am the tiny stars that glitters in the black velvet sky
I am the soft wispy ocean that rushes to your toes at the shore
I am the news of a new baby's arrival that makes your heart leaps
I am the grey rain that falls lightly on your skin on a Saturday afternoon
Do not think of me as gone
I am with you still, as each day dawns.
It is the same prayer I wrote in loving memory of Ferdi 10 years ago.
In loving memory of Uncle Emmanuel Miranda (Emmanuel which means God is with us)

Koru - an image of an unfurling fern frond which symbolises new beginning, new life and also the return to the point of origin. The circular shape symbolises there is only perpetual movement, no ending.