Is it a peacock on the road? my husband asked when we saw a rare sight in front of our car as we were driving down from Mt Donna Buang on the Yarra Ranges. "Yes yes I think, but wait. I've seen this somewhere." Scrambling for the printouts on Yarra Ranges National Park and trying to pick up my camera at the same time. Before I could snap, it ran into the bushes carrying its long beautiful curly feathery tail. Wow, we saw a Superb Lyrebird which is unique to Australia and it's a stunning beauty. LyreB stayed on my mind, I feel even more blessed than blessed, caught in a rapture to be able to come into the presence of LyreB.
The more I learned about LyreB, the more I understand how special our experience had been. This bird immitates natural and artificial sounds in their surroundings, natural sounds such as other birds, human noises or other animals and artificial sounds such as machinery (chainsaw?) & musical instruments. LyreB is an ancient Australian animal, having been in the wet forests of NSW & Victoria for more than 15million years. Is this a sign of Australia opening up to us? welcoming us to their ancient land? I hope so, we have been waiting for our permanent residency visa for more than 15 months now.
LyreB would only lay one egg and takes care of one chick at a time. Even ostriches, the largest bird would lay 15 to 60 eggs at a time. Oh yes! we are coming back here for the christmas weekend...